A Double Standard: The Respective Responsibilities of English and French-language Canada in the German Refugee Crisis


  • Pierre Anctil




In their seminal work dealing with the refugee crisis of the late thirties and early forties, Abella and Troper describe the inner workings of the Canadi- an Federal bureaucracy with regard to admitting Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe. Their study, supported by solid archival work, demonstrates the com- plex and, at the time, hostile reception that Canadian politicians gave to Jews knocking on their door. The authors’ narrative is much weaker, however, when they address the question of French Canada. In this article, I seek to demon- strate that Abella and Troper’s conclusions regarding Francophones are not based on any conclusive documentation. Using recent historical research and French-language sources, a remarkably different portrait emerges of the way Quebec understood the question of Jewish refugees and reacted to their plight.


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Irving Abella and Harold Troper, None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 19331948 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012 [1983]), 17–8.

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Pierre Anctil and Ira Robinson, Les communau-tés juives de Montréal; histoire et enjeux contemporains (Quebec City: Septentrion, 2010),275 p.

Pierre Anctil, Le rendez-vous manqué, les Juifs de Montréal face au Québec de l’entre deux-guerres (Quebec City: Institut qué-bécois de recherche sur la culture, 1988), 357 p.

Pierre Anctil, À chacun ses Juifs : 60 éditoriaux pour comprendre la position du Devoir à l’égard des Juifs, 1910-1947 (Quebec City: Septentrion, 2014), 256–9.

Pierre Anctil, À chacun ses Juifs, 60 éditoriaux pour comprendre la position du Devoir à l’égard des Juifs, 1910-1947 (Quebec City: Septentrion, 2014), 112–6.

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Sandra Dubé, “Personne n’est antisémite, mais tout le monde est opposé à l’immigra-tion : Discours des responsables politiques canadiens et québécois sur l’immigration, 1938-1945,” Research report for a Masters degree in history (Université du Québec à Montréal: 2015), 167 p. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/1037879ar

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“Le mythe du Québec fasciste,” L’ a c-tualité, March 1, 1997, 20–30.


How to Cite

Anctil, P. (2019). A Double Standard: The Respective Responsibilities of English and French-language Canada in the German Refugee Crisis. Canadian Jewish Studies Études Juives Canadiennes, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.25071/1916-0925.40086



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