The Keneder Adler and Yiddish community life in Montreal, 1944


  • Rebecca Margolis



Rabbi Pinchas Hirschprung became a towering figure in the Montreal Jewish community during a time when Yiddish functioned as the Jewish lingua franca. In 1944, The Keneder Adler both serialized his memoir, Fun Natsishen Yomertol: Zikhroynes fun a Polit (From the Nazi Vale of Tears: Memoirs of a Refugee) and printed it in book form. This study offers a snapshot of this rapidly changing community of 1944 through a close study of its newspaper, The Keneder Adler, including coverage of the liberation of the Nazi death camps, community responses, and new local community educational initiatives.  


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How to Cite

Margolis, R. (2019). The Keneder Adler and Yiddish community life in Montreal, 1944. Canadian Jewish Studies Études Juives Canadiennes.



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